A vibrant Parents’ Association/Council is in existence at Faithlegg National School.
It is open to parents/guardians of all pupils enrolled.
It promotes the interests of the pupils in co-operation with the Board of Management, Principal and Staff. Parents as a group have wide range of talents, abilities and skills that have the potential to enrich and extend the educational opportunities provided for pupils.
– If you would like to be added to our Whats-App group please text your name and number to 087-1225322.
The Parents Association Mobile contact No: 086 0569485
Our Committee 2024
Vinnie Lynch
Vice Chairperson:
Anne O’Loughlin
Alison Walsh
Vice Secretary:
Claire Soden
John Palmer
Vice Treasurer:
Nyasha Mhone
Father B.O.M Rep:
Muhammad Khan
Mother B.O.M Rep:
Jenny Corcoran
Committee Members : Anne Marie Bradley, Claire Coleman, Mary O’Kelly,